Monday, May 15, 2006


Well, it's over. I had hoped for a better harvest this year. I got busier than I would have liked and didn't get out in the woods nearly as much as I had planned. I did find a couple pounds worth, but mostly just two or three at a time. No big patches this year. My best patch from last year didn't produce nearly as many this year. I did find my first blacks this year. However, I didn't get a good sense of their flavor because they had a lot of soil and I couldn't get it all washed off before I cooked them. The result was a pretty gritty meal. This is only my second year finding morels (I spent the first two years looking with no luck), so I guess I can't really complain - at least I'm finding them now. I read Morels by Michael Kuo before the season and found it to be a very informative book. I may try my hand at chanterelles and some of the other edibles this summer and fall.


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