Saturday, October 15, 2005

Knobstone Trail

Went back again this weekend with another friend. Camped at the same site as last weekend and retraced our hike from last weekend. Found my girlfriend's sandal's! That saved me $100; no crazy creek though - fuck.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Knobstone Trail

My girlfriend and a buddy of mine went out for a quick one-nighter on the Knobstone Trail. We got a late start at about 5:30 PM and just hiked in about a mile. We left from the Delaney Park trailhead and find some nice pines to camp under. Had some wiskey and just relaxed. We got up in the morning and hiked about 4 miles. We slept in pretty late and didn't get on the trail until about 2:00. I didn't secure my girlfriends sandals to her pack very well and when we got back to the car they had fallen off (she wasn't very happy with me). When we got home I noticed that I had left my crazy creek chair on the top of my car when I drove off and it was gone too. That's what the cactus buttons will do to you.