Saturday, March 12, 2005

Shirley Creek

John and I met at the horse camp around 1:30. I had a couple beers on the way down and we pounded some whiskey before we left. I was a little tooled before we started hiking. We went in about 2.5 miles and set up camp under some pines. We kept hitting the whiskey for the rest of the night with a nice big fire. It didn't get too cold that night, maybe high twenties. We had to sleep the whiskey off until about 11:00 the next morning. We both had about 2 ounces of water left. We hiked down the the stream bed, but it was bone dry. We had camped on top of Luke Knob back in December and there had been some water on the southeast slope. There was some water there again, luckily, maybe a spring or something. We cooked up some eggs, relaxed for a while and hiked back out the way we came in. Hopefully the next time we get out it'll be starting to warm up and get green. Probably should bring less whiskey next time too.


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